The College Freshmen Experience

The College Freshmen Experience

By: Denise Woofter (

As a new student at Marietta College this semester, I, like others in my position, have been working hard to build my new life here. As exciting as it is to have a new start, it is also terrifying. You are thrown into the confusion of a new environment and are forced to find your footing as quickly as possible. Fortunately, there are some ways that I have found that have helped me find my way a little easier in Marietta!

A major factor in how quickly I became comfortable with my new home was through EXCEL week and the McDonough Leadership program. The leadership program at Marietta requires new students to move in a week earlier than the other freshmen so that they can participate in the aforementioned EXCEL week. EXCEL week puts you in a group with your peers to compete in challenges, discussions, and games. This is a great way to make your first friends in college.

Moving in early also allowed me to be more comfortable around campus and meet some peers and faculty ahead of time. An added bonus was that I moved in before my roommate, so I could have my own space to decompress if I got overwhelmed by all the newness of college life.

As difficult as it might sound to not drive home, I highly recommend resisting the urge. While it might sound contradictory, the best way to combat homesickness is to not go home. The best way to help homesickness is by distracting oneself by finding fun things to do. Although Marietta is a relatively small town, there is always something to do; every first Friday of the month there is an event in town; there is regularly live music in town on the weekends; and the campus always hosts artistic and athletic events. The more involved one is in Marietta the more friends they’ll make here! When going home every weekend they’ll miss out on all the excitement and also make their homesickness worse.

Making new friends on campus is one of the best things you can do to make Marietta College your new home. To make new friends, get involved on campus and you will find your people. Everyone around you is just as nervous about college as you are, so talk to them and you might become friends! Also, friendships as freshmen are on a fast track. As through Marietta’s EXCEL week and HOME week, you become closer with your peers much faster. It is important to set boundaries and find time to yourself, as to not get overwhelmed by your new social circle.

College life is as exciting as it is scary, but Marietta College will become your home away from home. Marietta hosts plenty of events and offer support systems to help freshmen become comfortable with their new home. I’ve only been in Marietta a few months, but I already love it! The best advice I can give to people who might be struggling to find a place here is to put yourself out there. Get involved on campus and meet new people, I promise you won’t regret it!

Edited by: Zachary Worstell (