A Little-Known Quiet Space on Campus

A Little-Known Quiet Space on Campus

Written by: Zachery Simpkins zas004@marietta.edu

Where does a student study at Marietta College? Some find comfort in their room, others the Legacy Library, and some outside enjoying the scenery and weather of Marietta. Although these avenues all lead to the same academic success, there is a little-known spot on campus attached to the library that is only used by a seldom few students. The rich history of a student loved professor is encapsulated in this sound absorbing extension of the Legacy Library. The location in reference is the Dr. Jack E. and Betty O. Prince Forum.

Dr. Jack E. and Betty O. Prince Forum view from outside the Legacy Library
Picture by Zachery Simpkins

Built in 2009, this extension to the Legacy Library was built after a two-million-dollar donation was made. Eric and Barbara Dobkin were the donors that allowed the forum to be built. They were Marietta College students who were impacted by the professor Dr. Jack Prince. In the forum there is a news article hung in a picture frame describing why these two wanted to donate. One of these reasons was because of Dr. Prince and his no-nonsense attitude. It’s described in the article, ‘Paying back: Jack & Betty Prince Honored With $2 Million Library Gift’, that Dr. Prince would tell students whether he felt a class was useful to them. If you wanted to take a basket weaving class, he would tell you how little you would use that information in the real world.

The circular room is filled with comfortable furniture suitable for students wishing to study, lounge, or have a meeting. Comfortable armchairs with tables attached surround the perimeter of the room. Larger tables with chairs make up the middle of the room for groups to discuss a presentation or for a club to hold their meeting. Along the walls are windows for sunlight as well as historical artifacts and decorations of Marietta College’s past. The room acts as a quiet corner for anyone to work and reset their mind.

Marietta College is known for its deep and rich history. You can see this in the buildings, statues, and even in newer additions like the forum that pays a tribute to the past. Studying in a dorm room just doesn’t feel the same as studying in a forum donated to a professor who touched the hearts and minds of students. That type of history is what motivates students to continue their academic excellence. If there is time between classes, or you need a quiet place to study, the Dr. Jack E. and Mrs. Betty O. Prince Forum is the perfect quiet space students rarely know about.

Edited by: Zachary Worstell zdw001@marietta.edu